Our Wheat Grass Powder #021393 is grown from our lab-tested Emotional Well-Being Soil Conditioner formulated with selective minerals, designed to increase the mineral uptake into the plants. These mineral deficiencies may be associated with depression or emotional instability: Boron, Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium and Lithium.
Mineral FunctionsScience Behind Products
Hydrogen H | |
Lithium Li USDS Data | Beryllium Be |
Sodium na USDS Data | Magnesium mg USDS Data |
Potassium k USDS Data | Calcium Ca USDS Data |
Rubidium rb | Strontium sr |
Cesium cs | Barium ba |
Francium fr | Radium ra |
021393 Emotional Well-Being Formula
021396 Fertility and Potency Formula
021209 Glucose Tolerance Formula
021394 Health and Immune System Formula
021395 Heart Health and Cardio Formula
Scandium sc | Titanium ti USDS Data | Vanadium v USDS Data | Chromium cr USDS Data | Manganese mn USDS Data | Iron fe USDS Data | Cobalt co USDS Data | Nickel ni | Copper cu USDS Data | Zinc zn USDS Data |
Yttrium y USDS Data | Zirconium zr | Niobium nb | Molybdenum mo USDS Data | Technetium tc | Ruthenium ru | Rhodium rh | Palladium pd | Silver ag USDS Data | Cadmium cd |
Lutetium lu | Hafnium hf | Tantalum ta | Wolfram w | Rhenium re | Osmium os | Iridium ir | Platinum pt Wikipedia | Gold au USDS Data | Mercury hg |
Lawrencium lr | Rutherfordium rf | Dubnium db | Seaborgium Sg | Bohrium Bh | Hassium hs | Meitnerium mt | Darmstadtium ds | Roentgentium rg | Copernicum cn |
Helium he | |||||
Boron b USDS Data | Carbon c | Nitrogen n | Oxygen o | Fluorine f | Neon ne |
Aluminum al | Silicon Si | Phosphorous p USDS Data | Sulfur s USDS Data | Chlorine ci | Argon ar |
Gallium ga USDS Data | Germanium ge USDS Data | Arsenic as | Selenium se USDS Data | Bromide br | Krypton kr |
Indium in | Tin sn USDS Data | Antimony sb | Tellurium te | Iodine i USDS Data | Xenon xe |
Thallium ti | Lead pb | Bismuth bi | Polonium po | Astatine at | Radon rn |
Ununtrium Uut | Flerovium fl | Ununpentium Uup | Livermorium Lv | Ununseptium Uus | Ununoctium Uuo |
Lanthanum la | Cerium ce | Praseodymium pr | Neodymium Nd | Promethium Pm | Samarium Sm | Europium eu USDS Data | Gadolinium gd | Terbium tb | Dysprosium dy | Holmium ho | Erbium er | Thulium tm | Ytterbium yb USDS Data |
Actinium ac | Thorium th | Protactinium pa | Uranium u | Neptunium np | Plutonium pu | Americium am | Curium cm | Berkelium bk | Californium cf | Einsteinium es | Fermium fm | Mendelevium md | Nobelium no |
Our passions are science and natural health. Through the beauty of soil science, we have created an innovative, lab-tested solution to mineral deficiencies. This is accomplished through a natural bio-available delivery system designed to increase the plant’s uptake of mineral content from the soil. From these plants, we are able to replenish minerals consistently through natural food-based products. Listed below are these minerals and the science behind our logic.
Emotional Well-Being
Fertility & Potency
Our Wheat Grass Powder #021396 is grown from our lab-tested Fertility & Potency Soil Conditioner formulated with selective minerals, designed to increase the plant's mineral uptake. Those with infertility or impotence issues may have deficiencies in any of the following minerals: Impotence: Selenium, Zinc, Manganese, Calcium, Chromium, or Iodine. Infertility: Calcium, Zinc, Selenium, Chromium, Copper, Cobalt, Manganese, or Iodine
Mineral Functions -
Glucose Tolerance
Our Wheat Grass Powder #021209 grown from our lab-tested Glucose Tolerance Soil Conditioner formulated with selective minerals, designed to increase the plant's uptake of these minerals during growth. These mineral deficiencies may be associated with Diabetes: Chromium, Vanadium, Molybdenum, Zinc, Sulfur and Potassium.
Mineral Functions -
Health and Immune System Formula
Our Wheat Grass Powder #021394 grown from our lab-tested Health and Immune System Soil Conditioner formulated with selective minerals, designed to increase the mineral uptake into the plants. These mineral deficiencies may be associated with a weakened immune system: Boron, Iodine, Magnesium, Silver, Zinc, and Tin.
Mineral Functions -
Heart Health and Cardiovascular
Our Wheat Grass Powder #021395 grown from our lab-tested Heart Health and Cardiovascular Soil Conditioner formulated with selective minerals, designed to increase the plant's mineral uptake. These mineral deficiencies may be associated with Heart disease: Calcium, Manganese, Magnesium, Selenium, Copper, and Sulfur.
Mineral Functions